Applications for funding under the Leading Community Demonstration Site (LCDS) initiative are now being accepted.
Applications for funding under the Leading Community Demonstration Site (LCDS) initiative are now being accepted.
NSW Aboriginal community housing sector reaches 50 registered Aboriginal Community Housing Providers (ACHPs) under NRSCH and NSWLS
The NSW Aboriginal community housing sector has achieved a major milestone – with 50 Aboriginal Community Housing Providers (ACHPs) now registered under the National Regulatory System for Community Housing (NRSCH) and New South Wales Local Scheme (NSWLS). This is the highest number of registered ACHPs nationally.
The AHO held their Board meeting on Worimi Country at Murrook Cultural Centre in October. An action packed agenda saw us keep culture at the centre, meeting with Regional Aboriginal Community Housing Committees and AHO staff for reporting and engagement to inform our work.
The Aboriginal Housing Office (AHO) is delighted to announce the appointment of Famey Williams, a proud Githabul woman (Mother’s country); with connections to Gomeroi country (Father’s country), to the role of Chief Executive.
Famey has more than 18 years’ experience working with Aboriginal communities across NSW in senior government and non-for-profit organisations. Her roles at the AHO include Acting Chief Executive and Deputy Secretary, Director of Housing and Client Services and numerous other roles.
The AHO Design Guidelines have been developed to benchmark design excellence, sustainability and whole of life requirements in new low and medium density housing projects being delivered by AHO throughout NSW, including remote, regional and inner city locations.
The Aboriginal Housing Office (AHO) is thrilled to announce a partnership with Riverina Murray Regional Alliance (RMRA) that will strengthen relationships between key community stakeholders and the government in addressing housing needs.
This collaboration marks a significant step in our commitment to drive impactful community-led projects and enhance social well-being across the region as part of the AHO’s Strong Families, Strong Communities (SFSC) strategy.