Forced adoption apology anniversary speech
FACS Secretary Michael Coutts-Trotter's speech on 20 September, 2017 apologising for the forced adoption of Aboriginal children

Distribution of Non Local Aboriginal Land Councils NSW
Map of Distribution of Non-LALC Organisations in NSW

Annual report 2012 - 2013
The Annual Report details the Aboriginal Housing Office's (AHO) progress against its Strategic Plan, Business Plan and Asset Management Plan

Annual report 2011 - 2012
The Annual Report details the Aboriginal Housing Office's (AHO) progress against its Strategic Plan, Business Plan and Asset Management Plan

Aboriginal Cultural Competency Standards
A Self-Assessment Process for Community Housing Providers

2020 Official DCJ Apology
DCJ Apology letter to the Aboriginal people of NSW in line with the National Apology made in 2008.

Annual Report 2020-2021
The Annual Report details the Aboriginal Housing Office's progress against its Strategic Plan, Business Plan and Asset Management Plan

Strong Family, Strong Communities Co-Design Evaluation July 23
A compendium report developed by AHO Research & Analysis, summarising findings from an independent evaluation of co-designed programs.
The evaluation looked at programs that the AHO co-delivered with four Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOS) from 2019-2021.
The purpose of the evaluation was to build an evidence base on what successful and culturally appropriate co-design looks like in the context of designing programs and services with Aboriginal communities.
The report found that the AHO successfully co-designed programs with ACCOs by championing self-determination, flexibility, and investment in local strengths.
Evaluation was undertaken by Aboriginal consultancy Cox Inall Ridgeway.

AHO Annual Report 2021-2022
The Annual Report details the Aboriginal Housing Office's progress against its Strategic Plan, Business Plan and Asset Management Plan

Annual Report 2022 - 2023
The Annual Report details the Aboriginal Housing Office's (AHO) progress against its Strategic Plan, Business Plan and Asset Management Plan