Repairs and maintenance

Who you need to contact for repairs and maintenance to your house varies depending on who manages your house and what area you live in.

Tenants are responsible for taking care of their property and reporting any maintenance needs as soon as possible.

For properties managed by Homes NSW

  • Emergency repairs: 1800 422 322
  • Non-urgent repairs: download the MyHousing app and submit via MyHousing Repairs or contact your local Client Service Officer.

In the Newcastle/Hunter, New England and North Coast regions only:

Emergency repairs can include flooding caused by a burst water pipe, raw sewerage overflowing inside your home, a gas leak, a major water leak that cannot be isolated and fire damage to a property.

Properties managed by an ACHP or CHP

If your home is managed by an Aboriginal Community Housing Provider (ACHP) or a Community Housing Provider (CHP), contact your provider directly to assist with repairs and maintenance. Contact details for ACHPs and CHPs are on our website

  • acknowledge

We acknowledge the traditional owners and custodians of the land on which we work and pay our respects to the Elders, both past and present.

Apology to the Stolen Generations