Catch up on AHO news about grants, policy updates, new builds, events and more.
The AHO recently handed over this beautiful heritage listed property to Tharawal Housing Aboriginal Corporation, turning 1 unit to 4 units for the…
The AHO has been awarded $40 million from the NSW Government for new social housing and an additional $3.3 million for our Services Our Way (…
The AHO wants to partner with Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOs) who would like to improve a social need in their …
The AHO received $50m in Stimulus funding from the Treasury budget process for the Aboriginal Community Housing…
The Aboriginal Housing Office (AHO) is about to undertake its second AHO Community Housing Provider Survey in February 2021.
This survey…
The NSW government is preparing a new state wide strategy that will set a 20-year vision for housing in NSW. The strategy will consider housing…
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Apology to the Stolen Generations