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IN REVIEW: AHO Housing Eligibility Policy

The AHO Housing Eligibility Policy is currently under review. 

If you require a previous version of this policy (e.g. one that has been archived or superseded), email the AHO Policy Team [email protected].

Asset Management Framework

Sets out the asset management responsibilities for the Aboriginal Community Housing Providers (ACHPs) who manage properties that are owned by the Aboriginal Housing Office (AHO). 

Finding Your Way Transitional Housing Guidelines

These guidelines are in place to help Aboriginal Community Housing Providers (ACHPs) understand standards and expectations for delivering transitional housing to Aboriginal people. These guidelines provide a consistent approach that is culturally appropriate and fit-for-purpose to ensure the long-term viability of the program.

IN REVIEW: Housing Access Policy

The AHO Housing Access Policy is under review as of July 2024. 

This policy outlines criteria for the allocation of housing owned and/or managed by Aboriginal Community Housing Providers (ACHPs) under a contractual arrangement with the Aboriginal Housing Office (AHO). 

Once updated, the policy will be accessible using the "Download PDF" button on this page.

For questions contact the AHO policy team at [email protected]

Eligibility for Services Policy

The AHO is committed to delivering housing solutions and outcomes for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people living in NSW.

To help people understand what makes a person eligible to access the AHO's services, an Eligibility for Services Policy is in place.

Affordable Housing Ministerial Guidelines - NSW

Includes Principles, Eligibility, Allocation Policy, Rent Setting, Review of Eligibility, Trading Assets, Applicant and Tenant Rights

AHO Aboriginal Community Housing Rent Policy

Outlines the requirements for rent setting and rental policy for all AHO-owned properties governed by a contractual arrangement between the AHO and an approved housing provider. 

AHO Design Guidelines

Guidance to benchmark design excellence, sustainability and whole-of-life requirements in new low and medium density AHO housing projects in NSW, including remote, regional and inner city locations.

Administrative Appeal Policy

Outlines the formal mechanisms by which Aboriginal Community Housing Providers (ACHPs) or Registered Housing Providers can initiate a review of AHO’s administrative decisions.

Home Ownership Policy Statement

Outlines the AHO's vision and our commitment to home ownership - including high-level objectives that we can do to support Aboriginal tenants and their families to meet their home ownership goals. 

  • acknowledge

We acknowledge the traditional owners and custodians of the land on which we work and pay our respects to the Elders, both past and present.

Apology to the Stolen Generations