The Aboriginal Housing Office’s (AHO) Sector Capability Grants are now open. AHO invites all registered Aboriginal Community Housing Providers (ACHP) under the National Regulatory System for Community Housing (NRSCH) and New South Wales Local Scheme (NSWLS) and providers who are scheduled or undertaking registration with the Registrar of Community Housing to apply.
The AHO’s Strong Family Strong Communities (SFSC) 10 Year Strategy is a plan that leads investment outcomes for a sustainable, functioning and responsive ACHP sector, which delivers culturally appropriate housing solutions to Aboriginal people and communities across NSW.
Sector Capability Grants are designed to support ACHP business growth and self-sustainability, including achieving or maintaining NRSCH and NSWLS registration compliance. These grants provide an opportunity for the Aboriginal housing sector to increase their capacity and capability.
The recent celebration of reaching 50 registered ACHPs reflects the commitment shown by ACHPs, the Aboriginal Community Housing Industry Association NSW (ACHIA NSW), along with the NSW Registrar of Community Housing (RCH) and the AHO to improve outcomes for Aboriginal tenants, families and communities across NSW.
Under the AHO Registration Policy 2018, the registration system for ACHPs is the NRSCH, or for Local Aboriginal Land Councils, the NSWLS. ACHP Registration is a prerequisite to manage AHO properties and for the provision of funding and assistance under the Aboriginal Housing Act 1998.
Key information about the grant opportunity is published on the NSW Government Grants and Funding Finder via
The Sector Development team has notified all eligible ACHPs via email with the Expression of Interest (EOI) documentation. The AHO Sector Development team can also be contacted at [email protected] for more information.
Applications close at 5pm on Friday 17 May 2024.