We know that improving housing is important to both tenants and Aboriginal Community Housing Providers as well as the AHO.
It has been four years since the AHO conducted a state-wide tenant survey and it is important to have an up-to-date perspective on tenant satisfaction, experience and well-being. Also, the latest survey will provide evidence to inform the Strong Family, Strong Communities (SFSC) 10 year Aboriginal Housing Strategy (2018-28) and ongoing government funding.
Roy Morgan Research will be conducting the survey for the AHO. The survey will be rolled out gradually, with most interviews starting in November, 2022. The survey will be conducted by way of face-to-face interviews with the tenants at their residence. Tenant participation will be voluntary and confidential.
The survey will be at no cost to Aboriginal Community Housing Providers and will benefit the sector through providing a representative understanding of tenant need, both housing and health and well-being, within their region. The survey will not be used to compare individual ACHPs or to assess their performance.
The AHO's Research and Analysis Unit is managing the survey with the assistance of AHO regional staff.
Further information on the survey can be obtained from Jessica De Jesus, A/Manager Research & Analysis at [email protected] or on (02) 8836 9417.
Results from the 2018 survey can be found here