Repairs and maintenance

Who you need to contact for repairs and maintenance to your house varies depending on who manages your house and what area you live in.

Tenants are responsible for taking care of their property and reporting any maintenance needs as soon as possible.


Strong Family, Strong Communities is a ten-year plan to improve the well-being of NSW Aboriginal families and communities through housing.


Strong Family, Strong Communities

Strong Family, Strong Communities is the AHO's 10-year strategy to improve the well-being of NSW Aboriginal families and communities through housing.


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To ensure every Aboriginal person in NSW has equal access to, and choice in, affordable housing.

We will achieve this vision by ensuring that we continue to provide support to a sustainable housing sector through accessible, culturally appropriate and affordable housing for the Aboriginal people of NSW.

Access, Choice, Our Future - Read about the AHO here


The Aboriginal Housing Office (AHO) is a statutory body established under the Aboriginal Housing Act 1998 (NSW) to ensure that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have access to affordable, quality housing.

The AHO is governed by an all-Aboriginal Board, which provides advice to the Minister for Housing in NSW.

20 year NSW Housing Strategy

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The NSW government is preparing a new state wide strategy that will set a 20-year vision for housing in NSW. The strategy will consider housing supply, diversity, affordability and resilience needs across NSW communities, from homelessness to social and affordable housing; to housing for seniors or people with disability; and to private market housing, whether rented, mortgaged or owned.

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AHO Tenant Satisfaction and Experience Survey results

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The Aboriginal Housing Office (AHO) regularly partners with Aboriginal Housing families to understand their tenant experience and related wellbeing in order to gain valuable insights for future work.

In 2018, approximately 400 Aboriginal tenants in AHO-owned houses or properties managed by Aboriginal Community Housing providers, participated in a face-to-face survey in their homes across NSW for the July to October period.

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The future of Aboriginal Housing in NSW

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  • acknowledge

We acknowledge the traditional owners and custodians of the land on which we work and pay our respects to the Elders, both past and present.

Apology to the Stolen Generations