Key information
Sector Capability Grants are designed to support Aboriginal Community Housing Providers' business growth and self-sustainability, including achieving or maintaining NRSCH and NSWLS registration compliance. These grants provide an opportunity for the Aboriginal housing sector to increase their capacity and capability. There are two funding categories which offer different amounts of funding.
Status: closed
Grant amount: up to $50,000 or up to $100,000 (depending on the category)
This grant is open to:
- registered Aboriginal Community Housing Providers (ACHP) under the National Regulatory System for Community Housing (NRSCH) and New South Wales Local Scheme (NSWLS)
- providers who are scheduled or undertaking registration with the Registrar of Community Housing.
Under the AHO Registration Policy 2018, the registration system for ACHPs is the NRSCH, or for Local Aboriginal Land Councils, the NSWLS. ACHP registration is a prerequisite to manage AHO properties and for the provision of funding and assistance under the Aboriginal Housing Act 1998.
How to apply
Sector Capability Grants are listed on Smarty Grants. When the next round opens, the link to the application will be available on this page.
More information
- For more information on future Sector Capability Grants, you can email the Sector Development team:
- Investing in the ACHP sector is part of the AHO’s Strong Family Strong Communities strategy - read more about how we're growing and investing in the sector.