Understand the policies and processes (including GIPA, open access, and right to information) that relate to what information you can request from the AHO.
GIPA – your rights
The Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009, known as GIPA, grants a legal right of access to information held by the NSW Government and its agencies.
To gain access to other information held by the AHO, you must first apply – either formally or informally (refer to our guidance on Accessing AHO documents).
Before making an application to the AHO for information, read our Right to Information policy.
Accessing AHO documents
You have the right to request information from the AHO. Learn more about formal and informal requests and who manages them on our accessing AHO documents page.
Freely available information about the AHO
The Aboriginal Housing Office has a legal obligation to make information about our structure, function and board available. Read more about this in our Right to Information page.
Right to Information policy
The Right to Information policy sets out how the Aboriginal Housing Office (AHO) complies with its obligations under the GIPA Act. Read more about the scope of the policy and requesting access to information on our website.
AHO policy documents
You have a legal right under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (NSW) to apply and receive access to Open Access Information, including AHO policy documents.
AHO policy documents pertain to the exercise of our functions as a government agency and may include:
- information that affects the rights of an individual
- information that affects the privilege or benefits of an individual
- information that determines penalties or detriments where members of the public may become entitled, eligible or liable
- rules, practices and guidelines
- a statement of the manner, or the intended manner of an administrative scheme
- procedures that must be followed in any or possible contravention of any legislative instrument.
AHO Register of Government Contracts
The AHO is required to register all contracts valued at over $150,000 entered into with a private-sector partner in accordance with Division 5 of Part 3 of the GIPA Act.
This information may be accessed at NSW eTendering website.
Information and Privacy Commission NSW
Adherence to GIPA is overseen by the Information and Privacy Commission NSW. The Commission's role includes:
- investigating the systems and practices of NSW Government agencies, in regards to privacy and information;
- promoting public awareness of the GIPA Act
- reporting on compliance with the Act to the Minister responsible
- handling privacy and information complaints against NSW Government agencies.
Contact details for the Commission:
[email protected]
1800 472 679
GPO Box 7011, Sydney NSW 2001